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     Supplies needed for 3rd Grade: 2017-2018
    This is a list of supplies that your child will need for September. Organization is just one of the many lessons we hope to teach your child, and one of the most important. By preparing your child for the school year you will be helping him/her feel confident and ready for a critical transition year. Copies of this letter are also available in the main office.
    Notebooks & Folders
    • 4 colored 2 pocket folders: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 purple, 1 green
    • 4 spiral bound, wide-rule 70 page notebooks to match: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 purple and 1 green
    • 1 "cool and funky" heavy duty plastic pocket folder of your choice. This will be used as your take home folder.

    You will be buying one notebook in each color to match the pocket folders. This will help you stay organized and you will always have the right supplies for each class.

    We will label your folders and notebooks on the first day of school with your name and subjects. Make sure your name is on all of your other supplies.

    Miscellaneous Supplies
    • Multiplication flashcards
    • 2 packages of #2 pencils ( don't waste your money on fancy pencils, good old-fashioned yellow Ticonderoga pencils sharpen best)
    • Cap erasers, colored pencils, scissors, crayons, highlighters.
    • Sticky note pad, 1 package index cards
    • Fine point dry erase markers 4 pack and 1 eraser
    • Kleenex for the classroom
    • A box of zip-lock bags for storing items

    If you have trouble finding any of these supplies, or have to wait due to financial concerns, don't worry. We can always work something out. I hope you have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you in September.