Folders: (one each for E.L.A., Social Studies,  Science, Health & Homework)

    *Choose a separate color, put name & subject on outside of each*

    One package of college-ruled loose leaf paper

    4 Composition Books: (one each for Science, Social Studies, Math, & ELA)

    1 three-ring binder (1  1/2 inch or 2 inch... with pockets!)

    Wooden #2 pencils (At least one package of 12 for school and one package of 12 for home)

    Cap erasers

    1 hand-held sharpener

    Crayons or colored pencils

    1 pair of scissors and 2 glue sticks

    Utility box or pouch for keeping pencils and crayons

    2 stretchable book covers... not the ones that stick to the book.  Make sure they are the large size.

    One box of Kleenex


    Last year, some students found it helpful to have extra crayons, pencils, paper, and cap erasers at home so they did not have to worry about “carting” materials home and possibly forgetting to bring them back to school the next day.

    DON’T BUY:

    Trapper Keepers - We do not use them in sixth grade.  They tend to take up space, and they tend to take class time when searching for materials.

    CALCULATOR and RULERS - These are supplied by the school